Sandpaper Reviews...

We don't TRY to be abrasive

((2004-08-16 - 12:31 p.m.))


Hmmmmm. Well, first off, I don't like your color scheme. The brown and green scheme kind of reminds me of poo. The one and only thing that saved you and kept me reading was because I saw that you were Asian and I wanted to see if you were one of those "bitchy asians" who thinks they are the shit. I would have LOVED to tear into something like that and so I read on. However, snaps for the use of the image of that girl laying with an exposed boob. I always say that pictures of naked chicks just aren't used often enough.

Overall things are pretty fine (aside from the whole "shitty" colors). You don't use scrolling boxes and everything is pretty well organized. I like that. I like it a lot! I love the fact that you have an "about" section and that it is subdivided into stuff about you, people who are featured in your writings, and detailed explanations about your writings themselves. The section that shows your layout history is awesome because I, personally, think that layouts can say a lot about people. I don't know what your layout says to me about you because I don't really care to think that hard right now but the option to analyze you is there. That's a good thing.

Also, you are awesome for linking things within your diary for clarification purposes. It helped me out immensely when trying to understand why you did this or why that happened. However, I don't know if I like how you bold things throughout because sometimes it makes sense and helps me to see what is most pressing at the time for you but other times it is distracting and makes little sense to me because some things seem randomly bolded. Maybe I just wasn't interested in those things and that's why I was annoyed but I don't know. I guess, just try and be more consistent with bolding stuff for emphasis.

You have some excellent content. (Gah. I feel like I just told you that you have "beautiful breasts" or something.) Anyway... I like your stuff.

You scored points for knowing about and enjoying limoncello and you also are very open about issues of sex (mentionings are dispersed throughout) and how much you like it and experimenting with toys and things. Bravo to you for being open-minded and free spirited like that.

You have a lot of entries to sort through so I didn't read all of them. My favorites of note were the one about Asian pride, yourproclaimation of loving a little old man, how you lied through your teeth about being proficient in Excel, and your considerations to join the ranks of international escorts (read: whores). Why did I like these postings best? Well... 1) I, myself, struggle with the whole Asian identity thing as well, 2) I totally dig old people and people just don't get it but you do, 3) I can identify with lying about proficiency in certain skills to obtain stable/salaried employment, and 4) I don't know that I wouldn't mind being an international whore myself. Y'know? The international sluts *ahem* call girls are the stewardesses of yesteryear - glamourous, gorgeous and getting play in every corner of the world. What's not cool about that?

Also of note in your archives are your thoughts about marriage and your incredible dilemma over using some schmo for sex and his money. My advice to you on both? Don't sweat it, girlfriend. Marriage/commitment shall happen when it ought to and there is NOTHIN' wrong with being wined, dined, and sexually satisfied. Live it up while you can and let the "boys" kiss your feet and worship you all they want. It's no biggie. Just kick back and enjoy it.

You are a smarty pants, you are probably a pretty girl and you have a lot of self-confidence for the most part. We all have our moments of self-doubt but this doesn't happen for you as often as with others. That's awesome! Go on with yo' bad self! You don't beat yourself up too much over stuff that you regret or are ashamed of and you are living a pretty sweet life on your parents' dime (am I wrong about this?). Good for you. Keep on keepin' on.

One thing that impresses me most about you is that you are a mere 20 years old. Wow! Now, I am a young'un myself but you are even moreso than I am! And from what I read of you, you are pretty well-experienced and knowing of stuff in general. All of this for only being alive for 20 years! That's rad. I commend you for being more mature than I was (and lots of others I knew/know) at 20.

You got it goin' on. Congratulations for figuring out so much stuff about marriage/relationships, the work force, and life in general already. We should all be so lucky. Just don't go becoming a stuck-up, arrogant prick now after I have said all of this about you. I can take it back. And I will if you end up becoming one of those irritatingly annoying 20 somethings who thinks that they know it all. Arrogance is something that only ought to be used at the most strategized times.

Just change the freakin' color scheme of your damned template. I swear, just looking at it gives me gas.

And that's it. Have a nice life.

reviewed by imaphatpig

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The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.
-George Bernard Shaw


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